Abecedarium Nordmannicum

  1. Money is the death of friends; The wolf lives in the woods.
  2. Miscast iron rusts; On snow the reindeer race.
  3. Thor ruins the woman. Fortune destroys the man.
  4. The river finds the shore As holster meets its sword.
  5. The horse will heal that rests. The snake’s sword was best.
  6. Children are plague’s meal; Death in person always pale.
  7. Hail is the coldest corn. In Christ the world was born.
  8. Force is greater than cost: The naked man discovers frost.
  9. A bridge we call wide ice; Here the blind are guided.
  10. Wealth is everyone’s dream. Giving was Frothi’s game.
  11. The sun declares its dome; Sky is God’s blue home.
  12. Strong is one-armed Tyr, Blacksmith of the years.
  13. Birch, the greenest stick; Loki, lucky in his tricks.
  14. Man is water and dirt. The hawk’s foot is great.
  15. Hills drop rivers cold; Rings throw gifts of gold.
  16. The greenest tree is yew. Hear it crackle in the flue.